Last Updated on 16 September 2023

Movies and short films based on Edgar Allan Poe’s poems and stories. Since most of Poe’s works are poems and short stories, I’ve included short films as well as regular films in this list.

YearTitle of MovieFormatSource
1919Die Pest in FlorenzMovieBased on the Story “Masque of the Red Death”
1928Fall of the House of Usher, TheMovieStory
1932Murders in the Rue MorgueMovieStory
1934Bucket of BloodMovieStory “The Tell-Tale Heart”
1935Raven, TheMoviePoem
1942Mystery of Marie RogetMovieStory
1950Fall of the House of Usher, TheMovieAdapted from the Story
1954ManicomioMovieStory “The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether”
1954Phantom of the Rue MorgueMovieStory “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”
1960House of UsherMovieBased on the Story “The Fall of the House of Usher”
1960Tell-Tale Heart, TheMovieBased on the Story
1961Pit and the Pendulum, TheMovieStory
1962Premature Burial, TheMovieBased on the Story
1963Raven, TheMoviePoem
1963Haunted Palace, TheMoviePoem
1964Masque of the Red Death, TheMovieStory
1964Castle of BloodMovieStory
1964Tomb of Ligeia, TheMovieStory “Ligeia”
1965City in the SeaMoviePoem
1966Black Cat, TheMovieStory
1967Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism, TheMovieStory “The Pit and the Pendulum”
1968Toby DammitMovieStory “Never Bet the Devil Your Head”
1969Oblong Box, TheMovieStory
1971Murders in the Rue MorgueMovieStory
1972One Minute Before DeathMovieStory “The Oval Portrait”
1973Sabbat of the Black Cat, TheMovieStory “The Black Cat”
1973Mansion of Madness, TheMovieStory “The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether”
1974Night of the SkullMovieStory “The Cat and the Canary”
1981Black Cat, TheMovieStory
1983Revenge in the House of UsherMovieStory “The Fall of the House of Usher”
1989House of Usher, TheMovieStory “The Fall of the House of Usher”
1989-IMasque of the Red DeathMovieStory
1989-IIMasque of the Red Death, TheMovieStory
1989Black Cat, TheMovieStory
1990Haunting of Morella, TheMovieStory
1991Pit and the Pendulum, TheMovieStory
2000ValdemarMovieBased on the Story “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar”
2002Fall of the Louse of Usher, The: A Gothic Tale for the 21st CenturyMovieStory
2002Mesmerist, TheMovieStory “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar”
2002Killed by LightningMovieStory “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”
2006House of Usher, TheMovieStory “The Fall of the House of Usher”
2008House of UsherMovieStory “The Fall of the House of Usher”
2009Pit and the Pendulum, TheMovieStory
2009Tell TaleMovieStory “The Tell-Tale Heart”
2009Tomb, TheMovieStory “Ligeia”
2009Gold Bug, TheMovieStory
2009Annabel LeeMoviePoem
2013Man of the Crowd, TheMovieStory
2014Stonehearst AsylumMovieBased on Story “The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether”
2014TerroirMovieStory “The Cask of Amontillado”
2015Animus: The Tell-Tale HeartMovieStory “The Tell-Tale Heart”
2016Edgar Allan Poe’s Lighthouse KeeperMovieBased on incomplete story “The Light-House”
2016Tell-Tale Heart, TheMovieInspired by the Story
2019Steven Berkoff’s Tell Tale HeartMovieStory
2020Edgar Allan Poe’s LigeiaMovieStory “Ligeia”
2021Fall of the House of Usher, TheMovieStory
1909Sealed Room, TheShortNovel “The Cask of Amontillado”
1912Raven, TheShortPoem
1913-IBells, TheShortPoem
1913-IIBells, TheShortPoem
1913Pit and the Pendulum, TheShortStory
1913Dr. Goudron’s SystemShortStory “The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether”
1914Murders in the Rue Morgue, TheShortStory
1914Golden Beetle, TheShortStory “The Gold Bug”
1922Edgar Allan PoeShortPoem “Annabel Lee”
1928Telltale Heart, TheShortStory
1928Fall of the House of Usher, TheShortStory
1941Tell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
1953Tell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
1962Pit, TheShortStory “The Pit and the Pendulum”
1969Mask of the Red DeathShortStory
1971Tell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
1973Imp of the PerverseShortStory
1979Tell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
1985Sphinx, TheShortStory
1986Tell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
1995Black Cat, TheShortStory
1997Oval Portrait, TheShortStory
1998Mind’s EyeShortStory “The Tell-Tale Heart”
2000UsherShortStory “The Fall of the House of Usher”
2003Raven, TheShortPoem
2004Tell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
2006Tell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
2007Never Bet the Devil Your HeadShortStory
2007Masque of the Red Death, TheShortBased on the Story
2008-ITell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
2008Raven, TheShortPoem
2008-IITell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
2008Cask of Amontillado, TheShortStory
2009Last Ache, TheShortStory “The Tell-Tale Heart”
2010Mea Maxima CulpaShortStory “The Tell-Tale Heart”
2010Tell-Tale Heart, TheShortStory
2010House of Usher, TheShortStory
2012Fall of the House of Usher, TheShortStory
2012E.A. Poe’s BereniceShortStory
2013UnderShortStory “The Tell-Tale Heart”
2014CaskShortStory “The Cask of Amontillado”
2014NevermoreShortPoem “The Raven”
2015Cask of Amontillado, TheShortStory
2016Raven, The (by Edgar Allan Poe)ShortPoem
2017Cask of Amontillado, TheShortStory
2017Oval Portrait, TheShortStory
2017AmontilladoShortBased on the Story
2018Lady in the WallShortBased on a Story
2018Darkest Hour, TheShortBased on the Poem “The Raven”
2020-IRaven, TheShortPoem
2020Masque of the Red Death, TheShortStory
2020-IIRaven, TheShortPoem
2021LenoreShortBased on the Poem “The Raven”
